Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Number One Secret You Need To Know To Be Healthy

For 5,000 years, mankind has always looked from the Outside-In to be healed. Needles shooting serum in from the outside to prevent disease. Pills from the outside ingested to treat disease. Radiation, chemotherapy, all external factors used to treat cancer and other various ailments from the Outside-In.

Even vitamins, minerals, shark cartilage, and oils are all external factors that are used to treat disease from the Outside-In. Everything we do to treat diseases, symptoms, and conditions are all external to the body. And where has this gotten us?

Two trillion dollars (that's $2,000,000,000,000) are spent every year on medicine in this country. That's nearly 20% of our GDP! In 2000, according to the Journal of the American Medical Association, the US ranked 37 out of 40 industrialized nations in health care. In 2007, the OECD found more of the same and worse. The US spent $6500 per person on "health" care. Japan had the best ranking, a little over $2000 per person.

Now before we go any further, I do want to commend medicine for its value in emergencies. Accidents and saving people's lives that have abused their bodies so badly from poor lifestyle choices is where medicine shines and should be lauded. However, based on the above statistics, medicine has completely failed in getting people healthy.

Medicine is not alone in Outside-In treatment methods; another few hundred billion are spent on vitamins, fish oil, shark cartilage, and the next all-natural miracle cure. We've been so marketed to death, literally, that we now believe there is some miracle tree in the Amazon or some fish we can grind up that will cure cancer. And again, this is not to denounce nutrition.

I eat green stuff every day and a lot of it! Yet $2+ trillion later, we're still getting sicker and sicker. Even Bill Clinton said in 2004 that "For the first time in American history, our current generation of children could live shorter lives than their parents." Believing something outside the body can produce health inside the body has failed.

It's cliché but you can't solve a problem with the same thinking that created it. More money, more time, more "science", more "research" won't ever prove an untrue concept. Each and every Outside-In treatment method attempts to "cure" sickness and disease. At one point bloodletting was considered scientific! This incidentally took George Washington's life.

In the 1920s mercury was a panacea! What do we say today? We've warred on germs now since Pasteur and what have we done? As one virologist said, "we've advanced the microbiologic population by 400 years by trying to kill them off." Outside-In thinking has bankrupted our health, our pocketbooks, and our spirit.

Outside-In thinking assumes that all the wisdom of the universe that went into creating you from two ½ cells, was random, programmed for failure, and needs man's (un-)educated intelligence to heal. Can you ever think of a time where man has manipulated nature that has benefited the ecosystem in the long run? Outside-In thinking is destructive.

In 1895, D.D. Palmer discovered a new approach to health, so radical, that medicine, doctors, and even many chiropractors have denied its existence. Even to this day, those "in the know" In fact, some early practitioners in the early 1900s thru the 1950s who proclaimed this truth even went to jail for using it. And now you know for the first time, the answer to all your health issues is in you!

The secret to our health and healing is using an Inside-Out approach! Think about it, what heals? Only one thing: Life heals! Life comes from within. So before we believe medicine has a miracle cure, maybe we should ask if that "cure" can create life. Only life creates life. And the recreation of life by life, cell by cell, second by second, is what healing is! This gives everyone hope because now you are not reliant on a broken medical system to fix you! You are the secret to your health!

Let's look at this deductively. Assume a healthy man or woman. A healthy man must be made up of healthy parts. In man, the healthy parts are organs. Organs are made of tissues. Tissues are made of the most basic building block of the body, cells. And your body right now has 70,000,000,000,000 (trillion) cells. So if all the cells, the basic building blocks of the body, are healthy, we must deduce the tissues will be healthy, and then the organs must be healthy. The entire human being is then healthy.

Do you know your cells don't last? They die. Your body is constantly replacing itself with new cells. In fact every 60 seconds your body is manufacturing 3 billion new cells! It takes 14 months to remanufacture every organ in your body. And the entire body replaces itself every seven years! So if you've been married for 21 years, you're already on your third spouse!

In a diseased or cancerous organ, sick cells cannot be healed. They will die. And so will healthy cells. As one cell dies your body makes a new cell to replace it, via cell division. Let's take the heart for example. Your heart cells live for 90 days then they die. In fact they're dying right now as you read this. But don't worry about it. Your heart is making new heart cells that replace the old ones as they die out.

If those heart cells created are healthy cells, your heart is fine and you don't have to worry. But if a new heart cell is just as sick as the heart cell it replaced, the heart disease will go on and on forever till it kills you. But if a new healthy heart cell replaces the sick dying heart cell, your body will heal! This happens for red blood cells, the lungs, the liver, thyroid glands, the ovaries, and every other organ in the body!

So no doctor can heal you. No chiropractor. No vitamin, no medicine heals. Only your life cures sickness and disease by creating new cells to replace old ones, in spite of the poisonous medicines our bodies are bombarded with daily. This recreation of life daily is what we call healing. Healing can only come from the Inside-Out. It's as simple as that! Medicine has been a complete failure for thousands of years because it attempts to treat sick cells that are going to die anyway! Let them die! Let's just make sure the new cells replacing the dying cells are healthy!

Sick cells are the ones that produce symptoms. Symptoms are multifarious. Asthma, psoriasis, allergies, cancer, heart disease, etc. are all signs of sick cells. Treating sick cells that are going to die is a futile approach.

So if life is the only thing that heals, the only logical question to ask is not how to treat disease, but how to get more life! And this is where chiropractic comes into the picture. For your 70T cells to be organized properly, for them to produce the proper chemicals at the proper time in the proper amount, for them to divide properly, all the cells must be under control of a central computer. And the central computer of the body is the brain and the spinal cord. The brain and spinal cord was the first organ to develop in the womb because nature needed a way to control all the cells in the body!

Think of the brain as the power generator of the body. The brain sends power and messages to each and every cell. No power, no life. When the nervous system is interfered with, just slightly, it cuts down on life force flowing to the cells of the body. When those cells don't get a normal nerve supply, the cells begin to malfunction. The cells don't produce the right chemicals at the right time in the right amount. They don't divide properly or divide uncontrollably as in cancer.

Disease begins with this malfunction. When the cells malfunction, tissues malfunction. When tissues malfunction, organs malfunction. When organs malfunction, you have serious problems and most often this is the time you see symptoms. So this malfunction causes the organism to die slowly, before its time.

Disease is a process. It doesn't happen overnight. By the time cancer is detected, it has been there for 8-15 years. The first and most common symptom of a heart attack is death. There is no way a heart can go from perfect health to death overnight. All disease processes must first begin in this state of malfunction. Anytime nerve energy is not getting to the cells, malfunction begins.

The stresses of everyday life cause nerve interference. Chemicals in the air, water, medication. Physical traumas from car accidents or repeated poor posture. Emotional stresses from jobs, relationships, and financial pressures. Chiropractors call the nerve interference a subluxation.

A subluxation is when the bones of the spine move very slightly out of position and put pressure on the nerves, creating interference to nerve energy of the body. Imagine a garden hose at full blast. Bend it and it slows the water supply. The exact same thing is true in the brain and spinal cord. When the body is subluxated, it cuts down life energy flowing to the cells and chaos begins. And this is where chiropractic comes in.

Chiropractic works with the law of life. Chiropractors correct this interference. Chiropractic restores normal nerve supply to the body. The chiropractor uses an instrument to detect proper nerve flow. When the body is subluxated, the chiropractor gives a gentle adjustment by hands only to relieve pressure off the nervous system and restore normal nerve supply to the cells of the body. A series of gentle adjustments, over time, gets the pressure off the nerves, opens the life channels, and gradually restores nerve supply to the cells.

No pills, potions, surgeries, vitamins, fish oil, etc. will ever get the pressure off a nerve to allow healing. Over time, those sick cells will gradually be replaced with new healthy cells. Healthy cells create healthy tissues. Healthy tissues create healthy organs. Healthy organs make a healthy you. Healing is an Inside-Out job! As B.J. Palmer, the developer of chiropractic said, "It's as simple as that!"

Chiropractic can't heal nor can medicine. Only life heals. The only way to get more life is to get a better nerve supply. Turning up the power to 100% and letting your body create new life is the only way to heal. Only chiropractors can unlock the life force of the nervous system so you can be the best you can be in all your endeavors.

So how do you know if you're subluxated? How do you know if you have nerve interference that is sapping your lifespan, destroying your potential in all aspects of life? You don't. Unfortunately there are no symptoms associated with subluxation. Pain doesn't necessarily mean you're subluxated. I'm a chiropractor and I don't know if I'm subluxated. I drive to Los Angeles to get checked weekly by my mentor, Richard A. Gohl. It's that important.

Only a trained chiropractor can tell if you're subluxated. Don't wait till the life force has been cut down so much that your body is in a state of peril, and you're looking for a miracle. Get checked today. It's simple, painless, quick and affordable. As B.J. Palmer, DC said: "Nature needs no help, just no interference."

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